"Spin" in aviation training: a "stall" or loss of lift, a subsequent nose-down spin, the specific actions required for recovery, and the feeling, after recovery, that you could tackle absolutely anything!

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Thank You All.

Last night, there was a concert at a local high school.  My youngest son was involved.  Actually, "involved" is an understatement.  He plays the upright bass, and the electric in three bands, plus one choir, and he sings in two more choirs.  He loves it.  Why?  Because the music program at this school, Port Perry High School, is unbelievable.  But last night, the concert involved not only the high school, but several surrounding feeder schools.  It was something to behold.

 Rory Snider-McGrath runs the music program along with Gord Girvan and Victoria Rensink; all of them so talented and passionate about their work. Yesterday, a group of the younger students from the feeder schools spent the day at the high school, playing with the older students and soaking in the atmosphere in the building.  It's a special place.  The bar is high, but it's nothing the kids can't handle...and they rise to the occasion every time. They are proud of what they do.  And they should be.  The final performance last night, involved 197 students playing one beautiful song.  Snider-McGrath was up on a table with his baton and music, guiding the younger, eager minds, along with the older, more comfortable kids...a sea of talent so glad to have an opportunity to be involved in something so special.   197 kids! Amazing.

I love the concerts at this school. They take my breath away, and always have, right from the beginning. But I'm not sure if all of the parents that attend are aware of just how lucky we are to have these gifted, caring people teaching our kids. ( If they were, maybe they would take their baseball hats off. 'Pet peeve of mine but this is my blog!)  So "Thank you all."  Thank you for all of your work and dedication.  I, for one, appreciate all of your creative energy and for helping to spark the very best in my son and the brilliant kids around him.  You are special people.

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